Guide to Installing IonCube Loader on Linux Server

Guide to Installing IonCube Loader on Linux Server

The ionCube loader is a PHP extension that serves to decode PHP files at runtime. It is completely free and easy to install.
Instructions for Installing VestaCP on Ubuntu 18 to Run Laravel

Instructions for Installing VestaCP on Ubuntu 18 to Run Laravel

VestaCP is a completely free Linux server management software. If you are running Laravel, you should consider using VestaCP because it provides excellent support for PHP version 7.2 when installed on the Ubuntu 18.04 x64 environment.
Fake software update attacks: Dangers and ways to avoid them

Fake software update attacks: Dangers and ways to avoid them

Software updates help enhance superior features and protect users from cyber attacks. However, attackers always have sophisticated techniques to penetrate
User devices are always under threat and vulnerable to attack

User devices are always under threat and vulnerable to attack

Recently, an organization specializing in researching and building intelligence on cyber security threats (FortiGuard Labs) has issued a general report and proposed solutions on this issue.